
Charity and Community


怡兴优先对江门社区履行社会责任,回馈本地。怡兴管理团队组建了一个慈善小組,与本地政府合作,为最贫困的弱势群体,提供捐助与支援。每年我们向江门社区捐款35万元。自从我们开始帮助江门的有需要的人以来,已捐赠了200万元人民币. 超过3600名个人及其家人从怡兴的捐款中受益. 以下是一位受到我们捐助的人写的诗。以诗传情表示感谢。


Our commitment to Jiangmen community is a priority. Yi Xin wanted to give back to Jiangmen community. Yi Xin management team formed a charity and worked with the local government to identify the poorest most vulnerable people to offer them support. Every year we donate to the Jiangmen community totalling 2 million RMB donated since we started donating. We have also helped over 3600 individuals and their families since we started donating. The poem on the right was written by one of the people who received our donation. He wanted to express his thanks for the kindness Yi Xin has shown him.

Distributing support to Jiangmen community


怡兴给食物和紧急救济现金帮助 。我们对孤寡老人,残疾人,孤儿等处于贫困线以下的人员提供大米,花生油和小额现金捐款。管理团队前往(白沙,新会,恩平,睦州,司前等)江门或周边城镇做慈善活动。

Charity Activities

We have focus on three areas to support the Jiangmen community, food and financial help, house cleaning support and a fund for individuals in crisis. When we supported the community with food and financial help we distributed rice, peanut oil and a financial sum. The photo was taken on one of our distribution days. We give support to Baisha, Xinhui, Enping, Muzhou and Siqian. Our Yi Xin management team realized in some special cases, the best way to help some poor elderly wasn’t to give them food or financial support but to provide them with house cleaning support. Our Yi Xin management team identified elderly who were living alone or with family but were disabled or unable to take care of themselves and provided them with house cleaning support. Finally, our management team also decided to create a fund available to individuals in crisis. The fund is available to those who have an unexpected accident or illness which brings on a financial burden they are unable to handle.

Jiangmen Community

我们一直致力于江门地区,并通过我们的税收承诺体现了这一点,创造了一个安全的地方,员工可以发展长期的职业生涯,我们雇用来自不同背景的人。We have always been committed to Jiangmen Community and have shown this through our tax commitment, creating a safe place where employees can develop a long-term fulfilling career and hiring people from all different backgrounds.



Jiangmen Community

Yi Xin has been a loyal tax payer since 1992. We have never had any tax case investigation since we are very thorough. In 2016 Yi Xin was awarded Class A tax payer because we are so committed to the community and paying tax. Yi Xin also keeps well in line with customs and has been a Class A Enterprise since 2002. We will continue to maintain our high standards.

Class A tax payer Award

Grade III Work Safety Standards Award


目前我们雇佣了250多名员工,但是在我们26年的商业生涯中,我们已经雇佣了3000多名员工。 已有多达36名员工一直在怡兴工作直至退休。 我们有42%的员工在怡兴工作超过10年。我们的管理系统是一流的,从来没有发生过劳动争议。我们鼓励员工学习和进步。我们的许多员工从工人到领班再到高级管理人员。怡兴严格要求安全生产,2017年我们获得了三级安全生产标准。

Career Development and Safety

Currently we employ over 250 people but over our 26 years in business we have employed over 3000 people. 36 who have stayed until retirement. 42% of our employees have worked at Yi Xin for over 10 years. Our management system is first class and we have never had any labour disputes. We encourage our employees to learn and progress. Many of our staff have gone from labourer to foreman to higher management. Yi Xin takes safety seriously and in 2017 we were awarded grade III work safety standards.




Yi Xin helps the Jiangmen community by hiring handicapped people. The government presented us with an award for hiring handicapped people. Yi Xin also has a crisis fund available to employees who due to unexpected illness or circumstances are in need of financial help.

Award for hiring handicapped people

We are commited to Jiangmen Community
