
Environmental Excellence

Environmental Excellence

我们是一家注重环境可持续发展的公司,这对我们来说很重要。我们希望创造对环境零影响的创新产品,并确保我们的工厂对工人和周围社区群体都是一个安全,健康的地方。It is important to us that we are an environmentally sustainable company. We want to create new innovative products with zero impact on the environment. We also ensure our factory is a healthy place for our workers and surrounding community. We focus on controlling air emissions, solid waste and water recycling and treatment.



Air Emissions

Our Air Emissions have always been well within the standards set by the government and the industry. Yi Xin sets new Air Emission standards for other tanneries to follow. Every day we strive to ensure our air emissions are close to non-detectable and odourless.


我们的水管理系统非常有效。首先,我们的每单位生产用水量被认为是行业用水效率最高的。其次,我们的污水处理非常有效,以至于我们处理过的水中,均无检测到有害物质读数,例如镉。 COD远低于广东限制,悬浮固体排放浓度是广东限值的五份之一。最后,我们回用处理过的水达20%。

Water Management System

Our water management system is extremely effective, firstly our Water Consumption per unit of production is considered the industry’s most efficient in water consumption. Secondly, our effluent treatment is so efficient that some of the readings such as Cadmium are not detectable in our treated water. COD is far below the Guangdong limit and Suspended Solids are one fifth of the Guangdong limit. Finally, we recycle 20% of the treated water.

我们采取措施提高用水效率 Steps we took to improve water usage efficiency
湿区生产污水在通过污水处理厂(ETP)处理之前,先通过除铬系统进行预处理 Process water from wet end if pre-treated by a chrome removal system before being treated by the effluent treatment plant (ETP)
使用超載鼓而不是用传统的鼓,以减少用水量 Super Load Drums instead of traditional drums to reduce water consumption
20%的水被循环回用回收以用於生產及清洁用途 20% of water is recycled back to the manufacturing process and for cleaning


Environmental R & D and Innovation

我们每年都在环境研究和开发方面投入大量资金,因此我们始终站在环境创新的最前沿。我们的环境研究也得到了我们的一位领导的推动,他们被公认为皮革鞣制专家。 26年来,我们的管理者一直是怡兴实施清洁技术的动力,并为江门和中国带来了清洁技术。

Every year we heavily invest in Environmental research and development so we remain at the forefront of environmental innovation. Our environmental research is also catalysed by one of our managers who is recognized as an expert in leather tanning. For over 26 years, our managers have been the driving force for implementing clean technology at Yi Xin and have brought clean technology to Jiangmen and China.


Yi Xin has developed its process with minimal impact on the environment and has been creating environmentally friendly processes. One of our managers was asked to become an Executive member of the Leather Working Group (LWG). LWG is a group of established fashion shoe brands, tanners and chemical companies. LWG aims to improve the leather manufacturing industry by creating environmentally sustainable solutions. We are also a big contributor on waste water treatment for ZDHC. ZDHC’s mission is to lead the textile, leather and footwear industry towards zero discharge of hazardous chemicals. Their board has leading industry giants such as Nike and H&M. LWG and ZDHC are setting a new environmental bar in the leather and textile industry.

To find out more about us download our brochure below